Monday, September 13, 2010


So my 365 days of pictures was a complete failure!  I had actually forgotten about my blog until I was reading some materials for my new business venture and her #1 outlet for her business is her blog!

While my picture taking was a failure, I've had some successes so far this year.  In May I became an independent consultant for Thirty-One Gifts and I'm loving every minute of it.  I never in a millon years thought that direct sales would be for me because I'm shy and not a sales person at all.  Thirty-One is so different from anything I had seen before and new to my area, so it's been a huge hit and sells itself!  Thirty-One offers purses, totes and much more!!  I already have 4 wonderful women on my team (all friends/classmates from high school actually).

So check out my website at for more information.

Here's just a few of the wonderful products that we offer!

Monday, January 18, 2010

No, I haven't given up!

I haven't given up, just haven't gotten around to posting to the blog.

Monday--Cami likes to sit in her carseat when it's in the house for whatever reason.  She strapped herself in and then was upset she couldn't get out!

I was playing around taking pictures of me and Tate (because that seems to be the only way to get pictures of me with the kids) and I think this one turned out pretty good.

Sunday--Cami's favorite "helper" job is giving Tate his paci.  She's getting better about not being so forceful even though her face is saying otherwise.

Saturday--I didn't get any pictures, but I did get a video.  I'm still trying how to figure out how to post that here.

Friday--Jeremy went to Aberdeen and visited the NSU Bookstore while there and got us all some new Wolves gear!  Cami's was excited for her new shirt, even though her expression in this picture is more of a mug shot.

Tate worked on sitting up on Friday.  He's still teetering quite a bit, but is slowly getting there.

Thursday--Cami was very excited to be able to give Tate a bottle.  Tate wasn't as excited as his sister.

Wednesday--This was at about 2:30 am when I got up with Tate.  Cami moved her arm just before I took the picture because they were laying exactly the same.  The picture I took of Tate didn't turn out :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Three Day Catch-Up

Here's my three day catch-up.  Not a whole lot of explaining needed for my pictures.






Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wintertime Fun

These are my pictures from Friday & Saturday.  Jeremy took Friday's pictures since I was at the musical Annie with my friend Courtney (it was awesome by the way).  Saturday after naptime we went outside to play in the snow a little bit.  It was almost 40 degrees and Cami had fun.

Friday's before bedtime pictures...

Saturday's snow time fun pictures... 


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Reflections of Purple

Since I missed yesterday's theme, I decided to try and make my pictures fit both themes--Purple and Reflections.  This first picture is what makes my sweet baby boy smell so wonderful.  I just love the Bedtime Johnson's & Johnson's.  We don't use anything but this stuff until they get to be big girls and tell us that "That's for babies, I want my own big girl stuff!"  Tonight's pictures revolve around bath time since that's when I finally had time to take some pictures.

Mr. Tate showing his flexibility in the bathtub.

Cami all wrapped up in her towel after her bath.

And now to catch up on my pictures from yesterday.  Jeremy took both of these during dinner last night.


Only a Week In...

and I already missed a day!  Jeremy did take a couple of pictures of the kids while we were eating last night (because Cami said "Take my picture!") so I'll post those tonight with whatever I come up with for today.

I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to keep up once I start working late hours for the next 3 months.  We'll see.  Maybe my daily goal will have to be trimmed back to a weekly or twice weekly thing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today's Kidlets

Today's theme was "Kids These Days".  I found it a challenge to come up with something creative.  Add to this my total amount spent with the kids while they are awake is only a couple of hours and dinner and bedtime routines are included there, so that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for great pictures.  I did get a picture of Cami being Cami, but I think her shirt pretty much says it all.

Tate is now eating some foods so I thought a messy face picture would be appropriate.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Some of My Favorite Things

My hubby, Jeremy,

A smiling Cami with HER favorite thing, her blankie,
And a sleeping Tate (especially after last night where the little stinker thought waking up every 2 hours was acceptable.)

The following are from last night, but I think they are just too cute to not share.  After Tate's bath, I combed his hair into a little faux hawk--adorable!  

Then I had the kids sit together to take pictures in their new jammies they got for Christmas.  LOVE the way Tate is looking at Cami (please excuse the red eye--I need to work on my photo editing skills as well).  I feel like my heart will burst with all the love I feel for them.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Pair Of...

I'm going to try my hardest to follow a theme list that my friends have created for the 365 challenge to bring some creativity to my pictures rather than the same boring poses of the kids. The theme that I picked from this week's list was "A Pair of...".  Tate received these fabric blocks for Christmas from his sister and he loves playing with them. 

Cami is rarely seen without her babies these days.  Sometimes I question our parenting while listening to her talk to her babies.  "Did Jeremy or I really say something like that to Cami?!?"  Nonetheless, she's a wonderful mommy to her babies.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2

Cami started the morning playing with her new easel, but quickly found that the smock was really cool to use to carry all kinds of little things around in.

The kids spent the afternoon at Grandma & Grandpa's so Jeremy & I went out there for dinner this evening and since they still have their tree up, I tried my hand at some pictures in front of the tree.

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Pictures of the New Year

The first pictures of Cami & Tate in 2010. (Can you tell someone stayed up a little too late on New Year's Eve?)

A New Year, A New Challenge

I've joined a picture challenge with some online friends to take at least one picture a day for a year. Most of them are hoping to improve their photography skills, while my goal is to simply capture my kids everyday. Sadly I've gone in spurts where I didn't pickup the camera for weeks. Kids change so fast, so while I may think "Oh, I'll take a picture of that tomorrow" there could be a new tooth, a sudden growth spurt or just bumps and bruises that won't make that picture the same tomorrow as it is today.